05/06(fr) 1930-2140 師大藝磚節 《蟄伏--我與我的沉默》
未來口述歷史那卡西(2040~2140) w/柯泯薰(1930~2130) @小地方展演空間 $500
05/07(sa) 2000~ 大團誕生 台中場 勸世宗親會 w/OVDS, 紅april red(原『胡月』), 林瑪黛 @永豐傳Legacy表演藝術空間
主辦單位: 若霖股份有限公司,中子文化股份有限公司
演出場地: Legacy Taichung 傳 音樂展演空間
演出地址: 台中市西屯區安和路117號
演出日期: 2016/05/07 (六)
開放入場: 19:00
演出開始: 20:00
演出票價: 預售200元/ 現場200元
* 全區搖滾站席 ←現場將準備王祖壽等資深影劇記者坐著看團專用座椅
* 預售一經完售即不開放現場票
* 身障票種: 100元(僅限iNDIEVOX傳真訂票)身心障礙者票券預購優惠,請洽專人服務電話:02-2740-8585
開放售票: 2016/4/13(三)中午12:00準時開賣;預售至演出前一日止
網路購票: http://www.indievox.com/legacytc
實體購票: 7-11 ibon(iNDIEVOX 獨立音樂網)
05/14(sa) 1500-2300 勸世宗親會 @ 【漿山勞改音樂營】 江山藝改所三周年音樂祭
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo 3rd Anniversary Music Festival
時間 Time/
2016/05/14(六)、05/15(日) 15:00-21:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號之間小巷內)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St. Hsinchu City / near Cheng Huang Temple)
票價 Ticket/
| 單日票 One Day |
- 預售 Advance $700
- 現場 At Door $800
| 雙日票 Two Days |
- 預售 Advance $1200 (因空間限制,限量20組 Limited to 20 tickets due to the space capacity.)
- 現場 At Door $1400
預售票購票方式 (5/13前) How to buy advance tickets (before 5/13):
1. 於本所營業時間現場購票(尚未開賣) Pay cash at JSYGS during open time.(Not ready yet)
2. 線上購票 Online:http://www.accupass.com/
05/22(su) 14:30 @ 林建生紀念圖書館演奏廳(MRT蘆洲線[橘]三民高中站)
亦樂非詩 ~文學作品與音樂的精彩結合~
05/24-05/30 Kandala Records London Gigs
Thu 26 May, 2016
£9 (£7 Concessions)
Thursday 26th May
Part of Formless
Dir: Jessica Lin Wan-Yu
“Why do I stand on the stage like this? Because I am a mental
disorder of the 20th century,” declares eccentric musician Huang Dawang,
also a noise performer, a music aficionado and a member of the music
label, Kandala Records; a pillar of Taiwan’s underground music scene who
denies himself as an artist, and who refuses to define what art is.TPE Tics is an intimate look into Huang’s way of life – incredibly different from the norm, largely incompatible with society. As links between Huang’s past trauma and present creations are revealed, his psychological anxiety is at once enlightening and heartbreaking. Despite his bouts of depression, Huang’s humour and witty introspection relieves the melancholy. More than merely music, the film examines human experiences and nuanced values that are precious yet rarely accessible.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Jessica Wan-yu LIN and the artist Huang Dawang. As a related event, the Taipei-based Kandala Records will present a two-day residency at Café OTO on 27-28 May 2016, presenting live performances from six Taiwanese musicians/sound artists, including HUANG Dawang, LEE Shih-yang and others. For more details: https://www.cafeoto.co.uk/events/kandala-records-two-day-residency/
This series of events is part of Formless, a project exploring Taiwan’s experimental music and sound culture, which is organised by Taipei Representative Office in the UK with sponsorship from the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan (R.O.C.), in collaboration with Café OTO and Bertha DocHouse. The launch party of the project will be held at Curzon Bloomsbury before the TPE-Tics screening + Q&A.
06/04(fr) 1930進場 2000開演 你我他─台北科隆跨國聯合網路音樂會 @ 牯嶺街小劇場 ※TBA
06/18(fr) 19(sa) 2016未來音色 台日vocaloid同好交流講座 ※TBA
07/16(sa)17(su) @嘉義 覺醒音樂節 (勸世宗親會 黑狼那卡西) ※TBA